Health Mentoring-additional details

Everything about your three month mentoring programme will be tailored to your unique situation,
I commit to support a limited group of people at any one time so I can dedicate plenty of research time,
and offer you the care and support you deserve.
Health Wisdom Connection Pathway

For a comprehensive approach, we can be guided by the elements
in Jenny's framework of support...
- Element One: Remembering glimpses of who you are - remembering 'why' you deserve to enjoy health
- Element Two: Exploring and understanding your past - by gaining clarity of our health journey, we can move forward to our future
- Element Three: Making sense of now - personalised, unique structure, guidance, support, education and encouragement - support through tailor-made practical steps
- Element Four: Exploring influences, beliefs, labels and patterns - underpinning elements that can hamper our healing
- Element Five: Seeking support and finding community - creating meaningful and helpful connections
- Element Six: Gaining knowledge, education and understanding - learning about your body, mind & spirit - resources, learning, courses, events
- Element Seven: Harnessing your ability to keep walking forward - planning for sustainable, positive future with greater awareness of how to keep healthy
Would you like to speak with Jenny about your health?
If yes, please send an email to
For investment details and to arrange your Health Mentoring Support please email
Bespoke levels of support available at Jenny's discretion, please contact her to discuss this
Additional Details
Jenny can facilitate additional urine, blood or saliva testing that may give us valuable information. (Testing costs apply)
We can delve into discovering how your genetic predispositions may be expressing, at present, potentially affecting your situation, and the cutting edge understanding of epigenetics can assist us to make a positive difference by harnessing the self repairing ability of the human body, given the right support to thrive. (Additional costs apply)
Collaborating with Jenny for support does not replace any medical advice. The information we share during sessions, in emails and support material is private, and intended for educational and awareness purposes only. Full responsibility remains with the client for the decisions made about their own health and life. Jenny believes in utilising appropriately valid information, resources and opinion in any circumstance, hence she will continually review the need and suggest referral to other health supporting professionals if indicated.